Ecco il primo torneo di X-wing RBB, ogni pilota avrá a sua disposizione 3 squadriglie (una per fazione: Ribelli, Impero e Feccia) con cui affrontare gli avversari in un torneo strutturato in 3 turni di svizzera seguito da una fase eliminatoria (semifinali e finali) per la conquista dei primi 4 posti.
Link utili
Software utili alla preparazione delle squadriglie:
I manuali sono disponibili in inglese presso il sito della Fantasy Flight Games ed in italiano sul sito della Starfighters Italia
Per la formazione delle squadriglie non sará possibile utilizzare qualsiasi pilota o carta introdotta nelle espansioni:
- K-Wing
- Tie Punisher
- Core Set "The force awakens"
- Tie/fo Fighter
- T70 X-Wing
I punteggi e la condotta delle singole gare sono conformi al regolamento ufficiale. Ogni gara avrá la durata di 90'.
Semifinale |
Finale |
Campione |
Nico |
Cassiopea |
vs |
(88) |
(29) |
Nico |
Random |
vs |
(100) |
(0) |
Nico |
Random |
Scallo |
vs |
(100) |
(0) |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Round 3 |
Punti |
vs |
(0) |
100 |
(100) |
vs |
(0) |
56 |
(56) |
vs |
(29) |
71 |
(100) |
15 ( 527 )
vs |
(0) |
46 |
(46) |
vs |
(67) |
-7 |
(60) |
vs |
(32) |
42 |
(74) |
10 ( 381 )
vs |
(39) |
35 |
(74) |
vs |
(56) |
-56 |
(0) |
vs |
(33) |
67 |
(100) |
10 ( 346 )
vs |
(30) |
70 |
(100) |
vs |
(60) |
7 |
(67) |
vs |
(100) |
-71 |
(29) |
8 ( 306 )
vs |
(100) |
-70 |
(30) |
vs |
(36) |
-12 |
(24) |
vs |
(-) |
50 |
(-) |
0 ( 268 )
vs |
(74) |
-35 |
(39) |
vs |
(24) |
12 |
(36) |
vs |
(74) |
-42 |
(32) |
5 ( 235 )
vs |
(100) |
-100 |
(0) |
vs |
(-) |
50 |
(-) |
vs |
(100) |
-67 |
(33) |
5 ( 183 )
vs |
(46) |
-46 |
(0) |
vs |
(-) |
-50 |
(-) |
vs |
(-) |
-50 |
(-) |
0 ( 154 )
Piloti e Squadriglie
Cassiopea |
Sparare a 2 è da checca (100 pt.) |
Il caccia dei miracoli (100 pt.) |
888 (100 pt.) |
49 points
Han Solo
YT-1300, Unique
When attacking, you may reroll all of your dice. If you choose to do so, you must reroll as many of your dice as possible.
29 points
Wedge Antilles
X-Wing, Unique
When attacking, reduce the defender's agility value by 1 (to a minimum of 0)
22 points
Blue Squadron Pilot
30 points
Darth Vader
TIE Advanced, Unique
During your "Perform Action" step, you may perform 2 actions.
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
29 points
Maarek Stele
TIE Advanced, Unique
When your attack deals a faceup Damage card to the defender, instead draw 3 Damage cards, choose 1 to deal, and discard the others.
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
29 points
Juno Eclipse
TIE Advanced, Unique
When you reveal your manoeuvre, you may increase or decrease its speed by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
40 points
Aggressor, Unique
After you perform an attack that destroys the defender, you may recover 1 shield.
40 points
Aggressor, Unique
Once per round, after you perform an attack that does not hit, you may perform an attack with an equipped secondary weapon.
20 points
Cartel Marauder
Crazio |
Persuasion (100 pt.) |
Intimidation (100 pt.) |
Pain (100 pt.) |
25 points
Biggs Darklighter
X-Wing, Unique
Other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.
27 points
Dagger Squadron Pilot #1
27 points
Dagger Squadron Pilot #2
28 points
Royal Guard Pilot #1
28 points
Royal Guard Pilot #2
44 points
Krassis Trelix
Firespray-31, Unique
When attacking with a secondary weapon, you may reroll 1 attack die.
54 points
Aggressor, Unique
Once per round, after you perform an attack that does not hit, you may perform an attack with an equipped secondary weapon.
46 points
Aggressor, Unique
After you perform a boost action, you may perform a free evade action.
Gekko |
Battering-ram (100 pt.) |
Bud & Terence (100 pt.) |
Rodeo cowboys (100 pt.) |
29 points
Wedge Antilles
X-Wing, Unique
When attacking, reduce the defender's agility value by 1 (to a minimum of 0)
44 points
Corran Horn
E-Wing, Unique
At the start of the End phase, you may perform 1 attack. You may not attack next round.
Experimental Interface (3)
27 points
Biggs Darklighter
X-Wing, Unique
Other friendly ships at Range 1 cannot be targeted by attacks if the attacker could target you instead.
39 points
TIE Phantom, Unique
When you decloak, you must use the [ 2] or [ 2] template instead of the [ 2] template.
Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
61 points
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
VT-49 Decimator, Unique
When attacking at Range 1-2, you may change 1 of your results to a result.
Experimental Interface (3)
34 points
Y-Wing, Unique
When attacking a ship outside your firing arc, roll 1 additional attack die.
30 points
Laetin A’shera
M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor, Unique
After you defend against an attack, if the attack did not hit, you may assign 1 evade token to your ship.
“Heavy Scyk” Interceptor (2)
18 points
Binayre Pirate #1
18 points
Binayre Pirate #2
Kortas |
YTPWN (100 pt.) |
Decispray (100 pt.) |
Mando Bossk (100 pt.) |
51 points
YT-1300, Unique
When you are dealt a faceup damage card, immediately flip it facedown (without resolving its ability).
49 points
YT-2400 Freighter, Unique
When you are dealt a faceup Damage card, draw 1 additional Damage card, choose 1 to resolve and discard the other.
62 points
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
VT-49 Decimator, Unique
When attacking at Range 1-2, you may change 1 of your results to a result.
51 points
YV-666, Unique
When you perform an attack that hits, before dealing damage, you may cancel 1 of your results to add 2 results.
49 points
Mandalorian Mercenary
Nico |
Ce poi riuscì (100 pt.) |
??? (100 pt.) |
Un'accozzaglia di navi a caso (100 pt.) |
42 points
Corran Horn
E-Wing, Unique
At the start of the End phase, you may perform 1 attack. You may not attack next round.
58 points
Dash Rendar
YT-2400 Freighter, Unique
You may ignore obstacles during the Activation phase and when performing actions.
35 points
Darth Vader
TIE Advanced, Unique
During your "Perform Action" step, you may perform 2 actions.
35 points
Soontir Fel
TIE Interceptor, Unique
When you receive a stress token, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.
30 points
Tetran Cowall
TIE Interceptor, Unique
When you reveal a manoeuvre, you may treat the speed of that manoeuvre as "1", "3" or "5".
47 points
Kath Scarlet
Firespray-31, Unique
When attacking a ship inside your auxiliary firing arc, roll 1 additional die.
25 points
N’Dru Suhlak
Z-95 Headhunter, Unique
When attacking, if there are no other friendly ships at Range 1-2, roll 1 additional attack die.
14 points
Binayre Pirate #1
14 points
Binayre Pirate #2
Pardo |
Touch (100 pt.) |
Catch me if you can (100 pt.) |
Tutti assieme appassionatamente (100 pt.) |
31 points
Jake Farrell
A-Wing, Unique
After you perform a focus action or are assigned a focus token, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.
39 points
Nera Dantels
B-Wing, Unique
You can perform secondary weapon attacks at ships outside your firing arc.
Advanced Proton Torpedoes (6)
30 points
Tarn Mison
X-Wing, Unique
When an enemy ship declares you as the target of an attack, you may acquire a target lock on that ship.
28 points
Turr Phennir
TIE Interceptor, Unique
After you perform an attack, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.
37 points
TIE Phantom, Unique
When you decloak, you must use the [ 2] or [ 2] template instead of the [ 2] template.
Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
35 points
Onyx Squadron Pilot
23 points
M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor, Unique
When another friendly ship at Range 1 is defending, he may reroll 1 defense dice.
21 points
N’Dru Suhlak
Z-95 Headhunter, Unique
When attacking, if there are no other friendly ships at Range 1-2, roll 1 additional attack die.
27 points
Cartel Marauder
Random |
Fat Han (100 pt.) |
Papamobile (99 pt.) |
Scum shot (100 pt.) |
64 points
Han Solo
YT-1300, Unique
When attacking, you may reroll all of your dice. If you choose to do so, you must reroll as many of your dice as possible.
12 points
Bandit Squadron Pilot #1
12 points
Bandit Squadron Pilot #2
12 points
Bandit Squadron Pilot #3
35 points
Darth Vader
TIE Advanced, Unique
During your "Perform Action" step, you may perform 2 actions.
Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
64 points
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
VT-49 Decimator, Unique
When attacking at Range 1-2, you may change 1 of your results to a result.
50 points
Aggressor, Unique
Once per round, after you perform an attack that does not hit, you may perform an attack with an equipped secondary weapon.
50 points
Aggressor, Unique
After you perform a boost action, you may perform a free evade action.
Scallo |
Meglio solo che ... (100 pt.) |
Whisper of death (100 pt.) |
Umpa lumpa (98 pt.) |
67 points
Han Solo
YT-1300, Unique
When attacking, you may reroll all of your dice. If you choose to do so, you must reroll as many of your dice as possible.
33 points
Jake Farrell
A-Wing, Unique
After you perform a focus action or are assigned a focus token, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.
44 points
TIE Phantom, Unique
After you perform an attack that hits, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.
Advanced Cloaking Device (4)
41 points
TIE Phantom, Unique
When you decloak, you must use the [ 2] or [ 2] template instead of the [ 2] template.
15 points
“Winged Gundark”
TIE Fighter, Unique
When attacking at Range 1, you may change 1 of your results to a result.
49 points
Aggressor, Unique
Once per round, after you perform an attack that does not hit, you may perform an attack with an equipped secondary weapon.
49 points
Aggressor, Unique
After you perform a boost action, you may perform a free evade action.